Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity is at a level where it is out of control. Who's to blame isn't important right now. What is important is that you know and understand what childhood obesity is, and the effect it is having on your child. Here are some startling childhood obesity facts.

The most startling fact is the number of obese children has doubled in the past 20 years. With the invention of technology and video games, children and teens have less motivation and desire to get outside the house.

Diet is a huge factor in overweight children as well. The fact is, we no longer feed our kids healthy meals. In our society, both mom and dad usually have to work in order to survive. This leaves the children to fend for themselves. What's the easiest thing for them to fix? Things like cereal, chips, candy, hot-dogs and processed microwavable meals high in sodium are all common foods of our children.

With the alarming number of children becoming obese, there are also an alarming number of children developing diseases. These diseases include:

  • Type-2 Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Levels of Cholesterol
  • Liver Disease
  • Sleep Apnea 
Thirty years ago it was unheard of for children to have high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Now, it is just a fact that many parents live with. Kids are having to take blood pressure medicine during adolescence!

Aside from the medical conditions associated with childhood obesity, their are numerous social factors. Overweight kids have problems fitting in with other kids and end up stigmatized, teased and bullied in many cases. Because of this, it is common to see these kids develop extremely low self esteem.

Think about it. With healthy kids running around the playground or the gym, overweight kids can't keep up.  Instead, they lag behind or sit out altogether. Children who feel left out from the crowd or bullied, might distance themselves from people. Doing this can cause them to take longer to develop social skills thus compounding the problem. The lack of proper social interaction can lead to anger problems, depression and in extreme cases even suicide.

Childhood obesity isn't a disease that just effects the children. Most overweight children retain and even increase their weight through adulthood. This just compounds the severity of the obesity related illnesses.

Kids who are obese have the world against them. They need help. They need your help! The problem isn't going away, and it must be addressed. Don't put this off any longer. Get help for your children now.

                                                    Luckily, there is a great new resource that 
                                                    will help you take action against childhood
                                                    obesity. For more info on how you can begin
                                                    reducing your child's weight right now, please
                                                    visit Kickin' It 4 Kids. Take a look, give them
                                                    a call, and you will be relieved at how easy 
                                                    and affordable they have finally made it to
                                                    help you combat childhood obesity in your home!

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